Monday, May 10, 2010

Fairytales and Nightmares

I'm a part of a Bible study with some wonderful women in my area that are all involved in ministry some kind of way.  We're using Beth Moore's "A Woman's Heart" as our guide.  It's been SUCH a blessing so far!  Considering the fact that growing up I had one friend-- my older brother, Jon-- and the fact that I was more than ok with that (he really is the best big brother anyone could ask for), this Bible study group is the Lord showing me His love in a new and refreshing way-- through a bunch of women!

So, catching up on some overdue homework for our next meeting, I came across a paragraph where Beth Moore is describing the condition of one's heart without fellowship with God.  She quotes Jeremiah 17:9 that says, "the heart is more deceitful than anything else" (HCSB).  She goes on to say that the phrase, " ...'Follow your heart' is the stuff of fairy tales and the stuff of many a nightmare." 

Immediately I thought of an episode of Oprah that I watched not too long ago.  It was the show where Oprah was interviewing Rielle Hunter, the alleged mistress of John Edwards.  Now, I really don't care to start bashing these two and others involved in this saga that has so saturated the media over the last several years.  Instead, I want to focus on something Ms. Hunter said in her interview.  After Ms. Hunter admitted to committing adultery, Oprah asked her if she thought she was wrong for any of the things she had done (paraphrased).  Ms. Hunter replied, "No, because I followed my heart."

Now, you can think what you want to think about Rielle Hunter, but I do believe that she believes every word she spoke in that interview.  As Christians, we know that adultery is wrong no matter what anyone felt.  But how different are we from Rielle Hunter?  Often times those of us "in the Church" respond to something we know we've done that was wrong by saying or thinking flippantly, "God knows my heart."  Well... yeah, He knows its potential to be deceitful.  So, where does that leave us?  Definitely in no better predicament than Ms. Hunter who has been heavily judged for her actions and opinions.

If following one's heart is something of fairytales and nightmares, then that's not really something I want to do.  For one, fairytales aren't real and two, nightmares are scary.  I want to follow the heart of the One whose will is perfect and give my heart to Him in the process.  I'm starting by asking the Lord (like King David) to create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me.  Anybody with me on this uphill journey?

1 comment:

  1. You're giving me a great deal of preaching material!
