Have you ever gone through a season where you were on FIRE for God?! I mean, you couldn't get enough of His presence or His Word. That's kind of how I've been feeling lately. Well, if you're familiar with this feeling, then you also know what it's like for this feeling to begin to wane.
It's a sad feeling, isn't it? You start to feel guilty as you spend less and less time being intentional about talking to God and studying the Bible. You start to make smaller and smaller efforts, hoping they'll "count" for something. But that's no more effective than a husband showing his wife "attention" to just be able to say that he's done it. I haven't met a wife yet that can't see that from a mile away.
Well, God is not fooled either. He wants our hearts to really burn for Him, not just go through the motions to pretend to. In the ancient tabernacle model that God had the children of Israel make, God Himself lit the fire on the altar at the entrance of this holy place; but He instructed the people to replace the wood daily so that the flame would never go out.
I'm working hard these days to keep this flame going that God Himself has lit in my heart. I'm working to gather the wood that I need everyday to ensure that the fire won't go out. What are some ways I can do this that you recommend?
It's a sad feeling, isn't it? You start to feel guilty as you spend less and less time being intentional about talking to God and studying the Bible. You start to make smaller and smaller efforts, hoping they'll "count" for something. But that's no more effective than a husband showing his wife "attention" to just be able to say that he's done it. I haven't met a wife yet that can't see that from a mile away.
Well, God is not fooled either. He wants our hearts to really burn for Him, not just go through the motions to pretend to. In the ancient tabernacle model that God had the children of Israel make, God Himself lit the fire on the altar at the entrance of this holy place; but He instructed the people to replace the wood daily so that the flame would never go out.
I'm working hard these days to keep this flame going that God Himself has lit in my heart. I'm working to gather the wood that I need everyday to ensure that the fire won't go out. What are some ways I can do this that you recommend?
I call these my watch and pray moments. Even through moments when the flames are not high, you can fan them to keep a constant flow of warmth; His love. A watch and pray moments gives you time to look at your environment and see where you need to grow or how to move forward. This time also helps you listen for His voice at a more intense level. Sometimes we get so busy doing what we feel is service for Him that we forget to sit steal and listen.