I was reading an article on CNN.com that was quite interesting. A Canadian man, who has apparently been selling marijuana seeds to American citizens, was recently sentenced to five years after pleading guilty to this charge. The photo that CNN chose was one with him smiling and making a peace sign. I read it intending to be entertained.
It turns out that this man donated much of the money he received to political groups committed to lobbying for marijuana to be made legal. He and his wife sincerely believe that this should be a legal right, so much so that in the wake of his imprisonment, his wife is fervently leading this movement in his absence. Then I got this picture.
Here is this man who willingly gave up his freedom for his cause, and with this act has spurred a small movement among those who believe as he does. And I thought to myself in my distant concern for this issue, what a seemingly trivial cause to sacrifice for. I mean, is the legal right to smoke marijuana worth time with your wife? Children if he has them? And look at the attention he has drawn from people who may or may not care about his cause. It made me start to think (or hear a still, small voice).
What am I willing to sacrifice my life for? And I really mean, what am I willing to sacrifice my life for tangibly. In America, being a Christian usually brings about more internal conflicts than external, but I think God is more interested in how our hearts answer this question, knowing that our actions will follow if given the chance. So, what are you willing to trade your life for?
It turns out that this man donated much of the money he received to political groups committed to lobbying for marijuana to be made legal. He and his wife sincerely believe that this should be a legal right, so much so that in the wake of his imprisonment, his wife is fervently leading this movement in his absence. Then I got this picture.
Here is this man who willingly gave up his freedom for his cause, and with this act has spurred a small movement among those who believe as he does. And I thought to myself in my distant concern for this issue, what a seemingly trivial cause to sacrifice for. I mean, is the legal right to smoke marijuana worth time with your wife? Children if he has them? And look at the attention he has drawn from people who may or may not care about his cause. It made me start to think (or hear a still, small voice).
What am I willing to sacrifice my life for? And I really mean, what am I willing to sacrifice my life for tangibly. In America, being a Christian usually brings about more internal conflicts than external, but I think God is more interested in how our hearts answer this question, knowing that our actions will follow if given the chance. So, what are you willing to trade your life for?
Wonderful post. What a thought... that most of our conflicts are internal vs. external. We're certainly not in North Korean house churches whispering praises to our God; American believers have every "amenity" of the Gospel. But I wonder would we die for it. And what an hour and time to ask oneself this question. Byron