Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sometimes 2 + 2 does equal 5

Some of you who know me well know that I taught seventh grade math in the Bronx, NY, before EJ and I moved to Nashville to pursue music ministry.  (Two words: Lovely Challenge.  We can talk more later if you're interested....)  If you're afraid because of that knowledge, though, let me assure you that this post will NOT be about how two plus two could equal five mathematically.  LOL

Instead, it's about the mathematics of the Kingdom of God.  I told you that on this blog, I would share my music ministry journey with you, and this happens to be a big part of it.  Now if you know me at all, this particular new character trait of mine I'm about to share will absolutely shock you:  I am a task-oriented planner when it comes to my artistry.  I know, I know, those of you who have known me academically know that before this endeavor, I rarely planned anything.  But God said He'll do a NEW thing!...

Anywho, when EJ and I first moved to the Nashville area, I was anxious to get started.  I thought, if I don't take charge of my own artistry, then who will?  I knew that people starting their own business made a business plan.  So, I made a business concept for my artistry.  I did some research and got started on my plan.  On that document, I listed lots of things, including my short-term and long-term goals for the next several years.  After completing that self-imposed task, I was twiddling my fingers, anxiously seeking a new task.  And then I heard the whisper....

You know how sometimes you just feel/hear God calling you to spend a little extra time with Him?  Almost like He has something to interject into your life at that very moment.  That's what I felt.  So, after spending time in prayer, I believed the Lord was instructing me to make my only task spending time with Him.  *blank stare*  What the heck?!  How in the world was I supposed to get songs recorded, get booked, get people in Nashville to hear me sing, etc, while ONLY focusing on spending time with Him?!  I mean, I would've understood instructions to spend time with Him while completing some very important tasks, but just focusing on time with Him seemed irresponsible. 

Fast forward to about eight months later, all of my short-term goals/dreams have become reality.  God single-handedly opened every door of opportunity for me Himself.  He led me in directions that I never would've led myself.  He has woven this beautiful tapestry of ministry for me that no man could have ever attempted.  Somehow as I was spending time with Him, He was molding my character and letting my shining moments show at just the right times in front of just the right people.  God's math doesn't add up to anything we are expecting when we let Him do it His way.  He goes above and beyond!  I'm grateful that He helped me to hear His whisper.  It has truly made all the difference.

When has God showed up in a "2 fish and 5 loaves of bread" way in your life?


  1. Thank you, Janice, for this post. It is so simple, but yet, such a timely word for where I am in my life right now. I am also being led in the direction of music ministry and it's comforting to be reminded that since God has kept and directed your path he will surely do the same for me as long as I stay in his will.

    And you're right, God's math doesn't always add up lol. But if it did, we wouldn't need Him and there's no way to reach our full purpose unless HIS hand is leading.

    Truly a blessing. I look foward to reading more!

  2. I think this is dope, character-building stuff. Having been along for the journey, I've seen the hand of God on you and witnessed your yielding to Him (which is a great sharpener for me).

    In my (our) life, I guess I've seen God make some random puzzle pieces fit together into a beautiful, ever-evolving picture. I've seen Him stretch practicalities (i.e., finances) as well as intangibles (i.e., dreams and opportunities). And I'm in awe of it.

  3. This is wonderful inspiration. I'm waiting for my "amazing equation" too! Thank you so much for sharing.
