Friday, December 17, 2010

Looking Forward to My Rest

The Lord has brought so many wonderful people in my life over the years. One of them is a beautiful woman named Brenda Grier-Miller. The Lord brought her into my life during my college years. One of the many things she taught me is to be mindful of my language. Instead of saying that she was tired, she would always say in her smooth, sweet voice instead, "I'm looking forward to my rest."

After several months of traveling, doing what I absolutely LOVE and am grateful to do, my body is telling me that it is looking forward to our rest. This Christmas break will be just what I need to rest and be renewed for the new year. Thank you for all of your prayers this season. I can feel their sustenance. :-) BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Blankets, Oatmeal and a Good Book

I've been on Mandisa's Christmas tour for the last several weeks, and it occurs to me that I've not shared as much about it with you as I'd like. I MUST tell you about this regular experience on a tour bus. Shout out to my homie, Laura Cooksey, who showed me the ropes concerning all-things-tour-bus.

First of all, it's freezing! Apparently, "a cold bus is a healthy bus," but I can't always tell! I know the cold kills germs, but I'd like a little coziness sometimes. ;-) So, I bring my thick, black blanket along to capture all of the heat and keep me warm.

Another cozy item I bring along is my ziploc container of oatmeal. I generally eat oatmeal everyday for breakfast, and I don't see why having breakfast on a tour bus should change that. I bring along my cinnamon and agave nectar and work it out!

Now, if you ever find yourself on a tour bus, pray that you're on it with amazing people. I am, and it makes all of the difference. Conversation with Mandisa and her crew is hilarious and thought-provoking. I love these folks. :-) There comes a time, though, when no one will feel like talking, and there's no need to take it personally. I just turn to my trusty third item--a good book. Now, I personally prefer a good one by C. S. Lewis. He has very creative ways of reminding us about Christian truths that I truly can't get enough of. I just cozy on up in my book and enjoy a good read.

That's my tour bus experience in a nutshell. :-) BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Women of Faith Update

I just wanted to give you a quick update on the happenings of Women of Faith as they concern me. I have gratefully accepted an invitation to be on the Imagine Tour Worship Team again, and I am excited to visit new cities on the East coast in 2011 with the wonderful ladies I'm blessed to be on a team with.

Also, the worship team is working hard in the studio right now to provide another worship cd. It's really fun! We and our producer, Chance Scoggins, are working tirelessly to capture the spirit of the event digitally in the studio. I can't wait for you all to hear all of the fun stuff Women of Faith is planning! Be prepared to hear some GREAT songs. ;-) BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Taking It and Running with It

If you've been reading my blog, then you know that I did Beth Moore's Daniel study with the women at my church. I'm currently on a tour bus with Mandisa and the rest of her band, and I thought I'd reread all of Daniel with my newly gained knowledge and perspective.

I read chapter two again, and I was reminded about the dream God gave King Nebudchadnezzar about the kingdoms of the earth--Nebudchadnezzar's and those to come. In the dream was a physical statue representing these earthly kingdoms; and Nebudchadnezzar's was represented as the gold head of the body.

Chapter three of Daniel begins by telling us that Nebudchadnezzar had a gold statue of himself built in the land of Babylon. I thought this was quite interesting. Where do we think he got the idea that he should be represented by gold from? He probably got it from the dream that God GAVE him. But he seemed to have missed the point. He took the idea of being a gold head and made it into a whole statue. Not only that, but he missed the point that the dream was ultimately about the Kingdom of God that would remain standing after all earthly kingdoms have been destroyed.

How many times have I done this? How many times have I taken a revelation from God and run with it in the direction that feeds my own desires and ego? How many times have I missed the point of a vision God has given me? How many times have I made the entire story about me, when it was really a story God was telling me about Himself that I was merely blessed enough to be included in? When have you taken a word from the Lord and run with it? BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Friday, December 3, 2010

Towers and Beaches

I'm sitting here at the beach on our day off on
Mandisa's Christmas tour, and I'm LOVing it! Anyone who loves nature knows that it's a wonderful place to hear unexpected things from the Lord. Looking at the ocean, I'm recalling something my father said before. He said, "I imagine that when Adam looked at the ocean originally, he could see straight to the bottom." It's something that has stuck with me over the years, because I love and am fascinated with the ocean.

It started me to thinking today: Was Adam exposed to the ocean in the Garden of Eden or outside of it? I'm not sure. What I do know is that Hawaii has some of the prettiest beaches in the world right now, and I'm sure Adam wasn't quite there. Then I started to think of God's instruction to Adam and Noah--be fruitful and multiply. God wanted them to literally fill this big earth that He made for us.

I learned a couple of months ago that God's destruction of the Tower of Babel wasn't just about people trying to reach Heaven; but it was also about people NOT spreading out and filling the earth like He had told them to. The Bible actually says that the people's intentions were to "make themselves famous and keep from being scattered all over the world. (NLT)" God's confusing their language succeeded in scattering them, as was His original plan.

Cut to today when we love to travel and enjoy the beauty of this earth in different locations. I think as people we are so afraid of not having the sustenance and wonder of today, tomorrow. When, really, God's sustenance and wonders of tomorrow are far greater than what we can manipulate and store up today.

We almost missed out on the most beautiful places in the world by building the Tower of Babel. What towers are you building today?
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Monday, November 29, 2010

Imagine Tour Wrap-Up

Many of you know that I'm a member of the Women of Faith worship team on the Imagine tour.  We had fourteen dates this year, generally on the West coast.  In 2011, we'll be on the East coast.

Let me tell you that I had a BLAST!!!  The women that are a part of the Women of Faith team are phenomenal! And not only that, but everyone that is a part of the crew makes it into a family that anyone would be grateful to be a part of.

To be able to stand on a stage in an arena and minister to thousands of women at a time with women who have become dear to my heart is a privilege for which I am grateful.  I am missing that portion of the experience while we prepare in this season for our tour next year.  But every part of my experience with Women of Faith has been ordered by God; it still gives me chills to know He loves me this much!  :-)

Tightrope Walking

I don't think I remember having ever gone to a circus.  My close friends laugh at me for my lack of memory of certain past events, so I may have actually gone to one at some point.  I don't remember it, though.  Somehow, I still have images of tightrope walkers that I can easily pull on.  I've probably seen it on television at some point (I am an avid tv watcher).  My guess is that you have similar images of tightrope walkers that you can pull on as well.  

In life, people often talk about trying to find balance.  Maybe you're a science nerd and you call it "equilibrium.'' (I'm not judging.  :-))  Either way, as humans, much of life is about learning how to balance this and that of different categories.  *whispering suddenly* I'm learning a secret to balance that I'm willing to share.  I'm convinced that the Lord either plans for or redeems every image we see to teach us more about Him, His love for us, and how our relationship with Him is intended to be.  Some keys to balance can be found in the image of the tightrope walker.

If you notice, one who walks a tightrope does not look down constantly.  They HAVE to largely look ahead.  Looking ahead is what gives them perspective in their movement.  That perspective tells them how to distribute their weight against the rope.  We are to look to our Lord for His perspective.  It's the only perspective that will teach you properly to distribute the "weight" of life.  

Tightrope walkers also usually have their arms outstretched.  Now, you can interpret this as being outstretched to God or people, but I don't think one can be outstretched to God without also being willing to reach out to His people.  When Jesus was asked what the greatest commandment was, he answered that it was to love God with all your heart, mind, and strength AND to love your neighbor as you love yourself.  Because of that, I believe they go hand-in-hand. 

Finally, tightrope walkers also only have the option of putting one foot in front of the other--one at a time.  If they try to cover too much ground at once, they will surely lose their balance.  If there is one thing most humans have difficulty with, it's taking one step at a time.  I'm not saying that we shouldn't plan ahead.  As a matter of fact, we should!  But we can only take one step at a time in reality.  See, we tend to be so addicted to stability and predictability because we would like to not have to trust God for those things.  But at the end of the day, we can't provide it for ourselves, no matter how hard we try.

Noticing the tools God gives us is one thing, but I'm working on walking this one out in every facet of life.  Anyone else?

Monday, November 22, 2010

Healing aches

Oh my goodness! I injured my knee in a spinning class (stationary biking) in June, and it still has not yet fully recovered.  It is so annoying!  I was basically going too far in the gym in the summer, and my biking form was wrong.  I've been back-and-forth to the doctor numerous times in the last several months.  I'm grateful that I didn't tear anything in my knee, but I have had to severely diminish the intensity of my workouts in order to allow it to heal. Boo-hoo.

Now, the doctor has given me certain activities that I am allowed to do in working out, as long as I take it slowly.  I've been trying to do them, and I realized something about injuries.  They hurt to heal!  I guess I should have assumed this from previous injuries that weren't so severe, but it occurred to me recently while doing with my knee what the doctor told me is actually healthy to do.

I've always operated under the assumption that pain is an indicator of something wrong (science nerd), which it often is.  But pain is also included in any healing process I can think of--even in very healthy healing processes.  A scab forming one a child's knee is sore/painful.  Perhaps that's why we call them "sores."  An injured and minimally-used knee will certainly ache when it is starting to be used again.   And a broken bone set in a cast will surely ache as the body literally stitches itself back together.

I don't know what kind of pain you may be going through.  Maybe your pain is an indication of something wrong that the Lord wants to bring to your attention.  Then again, your pain may be a part of the aches that come with the Lord stitching something broken in you back together.  Whatever your pain is indicating, trust that your life and your heart are in the hands of the Great Physician who built you from scratch.  Who else knows you down to the true marrow of who you are and are intended to be?
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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Math Nerd Coming Through

Ok, this is where I shamelessly admit that I enjoy math. In fact, my husband and I may or may not have met in a very math and science-filled setting. ;-) With that, there are some concepts the Lord teaches me about Himself through math concepts. It's really nerdy, but true.

I've mentioned in previous posts that I'm doing the Beth Moore Daniel study with the woman's group at my church, and it is PHENOMENAL! The overarching theme of God's sovereignty and His thorough plan for mankind is shining through this study so potently.

The study today highlighted the timeline of the earth that God not only planned and put in place, but He also shared parts of that plan with Daniel through the visions he received in the second half of the Book of Daniel. A lot of what was prophecy for Daniel is now history for us. Pretty cool stuff.

Right after leaving the study, the Lord impressed upon me how attentive He is to the details in my life. It made me think: How in the world does He manage the overarching timeline of the earth as well as the tiny timeline that is my life?! And not only that, but He manages the tiny timelines of everyone's life.

Now this is where the math comes in. What we call the number line is just a line that gives us a visual of numbers and where they are in relation to one another. We can see that 1 comes before 2, which comes before 3. Every point, or number, on the number line is said to have an infinite number of points between it and the next point. I may have just lost you, but it just means that between the numbers 2 and 3 are the numbers 2.1, 2.11, 2.111, and so on... to infinity, but none lower than 2 and none higher than 3. This is a great picture of God managing the overall timeline of the earth (the 1's, 2's and 3's) and managing each of our lives, our overwhelmingly large number of lives in between.

He is the God that stands outside of time and moves His own plan through time brilliantly. He is the Master of the timeline. BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Permeating Jungle

If I had a dollar for every time I've heard something about a lion in the last month, I might be the youngest person to pay off their student loans. Seriously, though, I'm doing the Beth Moore study on Daniel (which means I've encountered the story of Daniel in the lions' den), and my brother, Jon, recently went on a ministry trip to Africa. Between Beth Moore's video sessions and Jon's recounting of personal lion encounters, my respect for a lion's power has been adjusted.

As children we're told that lions are the king of the jungle. And somehow, that gets translated to mean, "lions are just big, cute kitty cats." Yeah, not so much. A lion's claws are like daggers; and a lion can drag a full-grown man by his teeth. And a lion's roar? As loud and encompassing as a stereo system. With this kind of imagery, the cute kitty cat fantasy disintegrates.

Learning all of this, I started think of how Jesus compared our enemy to a roaring lion, roaming this earth to see whom he may devour. Have you ever seen a lion pacing before? That sounds really scary! But then the Lord reminded me that He IS the actual Lion of Judah! And you better believe He is bigger, stronger and wiser than the enemy. So, I have nothing to be afraid of, and neither does any believer in Jesus Christ! Isn't that Good news?! BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Thursday, October 14, 2010

I Still Love My Job--Check-in

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I LOVE my job as a member of the worship team with the Women of Faith conference. The other ladies on the worship team are such a joy to spend time with. And every weekend, I hear something different from the Lord through the speakers' messages.

I'm flying home from Portland, OR at this moment thinking about how blessed I am. This weekend I met up with an old friend that I taught with, and we laughed about how much our lives had changed since we taught in the Bronx. I am so grateful to be able to look back over several years and see how God's hand has been moving my life. It's one of the best feelings.

Anyway, I just wanted to express that I'm as excited about my job as I was in the beginning. God is faithful!
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Monday, September 27, 2010

Flippant Repentant

This is literally a page from my journal that I wanted to share with you all. The Lord brought to my attention yesterday through my church service that I had been a bit flippant concerning some of my sins and how they broke God's heart in the past. I had been so eager to receive His grace, that I hadn't taken much time to repent properly and completely. I wept, and these were the words that came from my weeping:

Lord, thank You for Your faithfulness towards me. You love me so much that You wait years for my heart to break over how I've broken Yours. You patience is beyond measure.

You extend grace to me when my sinfulness encompasses me. You show me grace even when I snatch it like an entitled child, only concerned with my benefit.

You love me in my ignorance and patiently wait until I'm mature enough to receive more of Your Truth-all the while holding no good thing from me.

Who is like the Lord? Your kindness is beyond my understanding. Your patience is unfathomable. And Your Love-ahhh, Your Love for me is immeasurable. I only know it in it's pieces-as You express it to me. But I'm sure I would literally crumble to pieces if I but got a glimpse of it's whole right now.

Which makes sense, because You, Yourself are Love; and to see You in all Your glory right now would surely mean my end. BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Great Expectations

I have a confession to make. I'm a judger. I mean, to some degree we all are, so I don't feel alone. Even still, I don't think the Lord has called me to be one. I'll tell you one of the subjects I've judged the most, though... The "name it and claim it" gospel. I know, I know. Some of you are even judging me right now. :-) But there's always redemption in what God does, if you look closely enough.

Lately God has just been cleaning out some old defense mechanisms of mine in order to make more room for me to trust Him. And I came across a huge one--changing my expectations so as to not be disappointed. You see, I HATE to be disappointed, or better yet, caught off-guard with bad news. That's really what disappointment is, isn't it? It's something happening other than what you wanted to happen, all when you didn't expect it. That has traditionally been one of the scariest feelings for me. But God isn't satisfied to leave me in my fear.

He's been showing me that He's trustworthy and that it must eventually be enough for me that nothing catches HIM off-guard. And on top of that, He's been showing me that He really has my best interest in mind. And that "best interest" includes some really cool gifts.

I've spent so much of my life and time preparing for the worst that I've missed many chances to expect wonderful things from God. Can I ask God for anything that I want and expect to receive it? I know some of you would like an answer to that. Honestly, He's still teaching me; so I'll let you know when this lesson is over. :-) I do know, though, that I've spent way too much time on the opposite end of the spectrum; and He's moving me toward a healthier equilibrium. So for now, I'll be listening to Jonathan Nelson's "Expect the Great" on repeat! BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Green Life

Do you know anyone who has decided to "go green?" I don't that I'm aware of. I mean, I know people who try to not waste food and who recycle, but I've always thought that only certain people with money can actually "go green." I haven't felt the need to look into it at all. I've just always thought, "the Lord is not really calling me to that. That's a little extreme, right?..."

I confess more by saying that I'm still not certain about what the Lord is asking of me in this department; but I know that He is using it to deal with a heart issue of mine.

I was reading Isaiah 39, and I was floored. This is the chapter where the prophet Isaiah predicted the captivity of those in Jerusalem by the huge force of the nation of Babylon. This chapter begins, though, by telling of how the Jews' king, Hezekiah, invited the son of Babylon's current king (the captivity would happen a while later) into all of his treasure houses-kind of to show off all of the riches he owned. Later, these treasures would be carried off, just as the people of Jerusalem were, as belonging to Babylon.

The prophet Isaiah then prophesies of a future captivity to Hezekiah, and his response was something like, "Good. At least it won't happen while I'm alive." What a selfish thing to say! I was appalled! And then I heard the still, small voice encourage me to ask when I had responded this way in my own life.

God brought to my attention that when approached with the idea that I should go green to take care of this planet, I had flippantly responded in my heart this same way. How embarrassing. While I won't condone any kind of worshiping of the earth, I do believe the earth was a gift from the Lord to humanity that I should feel some responsibility in caring for. Though we're far from the earth that God originally intended (where spiders don't terrorize me ;-)), I don't have to lack concern or care for that which the lord has entrusted me-us.

Like I mentioned earlier, I'm not certain at this point what this looks like practically, but I must at least approach the question with a different heart. Anybody got some cool going green tips?

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Saturday, September 11, 2010

His Life for Weed

I was reading an article on that was quite interesting. A Canadian man, who has apparently been selling marijuana seeds to American citizens, was recently sentenced to five years after pleading guilty to this charge. The photo that CNN chose was one with him smiling and making a peace sign. I read it intending to be entertained.

It turns out that this man donated much of the money he received to political groups committed to lobbying for marijuana to be made legal. He and his wife sincerely believe that this should be a legal right, so much so that in the wake of his imprisonment, his wife is fervently leading this movement in his absence. Then I got this picture.

Here is this man who willingly gave up his freedom for his cause, and with this act has spurred a small movement among those who believe as he does. And I thought to myself in my distant concern for this issue, what a seemingly trivial cause to sacrifice for. I mean, is the legal right to smoke marijuana worth time with your wife? Children if he has them? And look at the attention he has drawn from people who may or may not care about his cause. It made me start to think (or hear a still, small voice).

What am I willing to sacrifice my life for? And I really mean, what am I willing to sacrifice my life for tangibly. In America, being a Christian usually brings about more internal conflicts than external, but I think God is more interested in how our hearts answer this question, knowing that our actions will follow if given the chance. So, what are you willing to trade your life for? BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Your Bronze is the Most Valuable

There aren't as many mentions of women and their significance in the Old Testament as there are mentions of men and their significance; so as a woman, when they show up, I like to pay attention. Sometimes, though, they show up in the most seemingly random places.

There's a passage in Exodus that is describing the making of the tabernacle (the physical structure in which God chose to interact with the Israelites). It briefly describes the making of the bronze basin that the priests were to use to wash their hands and feet. It was a very serious order that God gave concerning this basin, or sink-like structure. In fact, God said that if they didn't do this, they would die. And then out of nowhere this passage says, "He [Bezalel, the super-anointed craftsman for this task in particular] made the basin of bronze and it's stand of bronze, from the mirrors of the ministering women who ministered in the entrance of the tent of meeting [the entire structure housing the tabernacle]." First of all, I'm honestly thinking, "did they have mirrors back then?!" Then I'm flabbergasted by the fact that there were women ministering in this holy place! It makes me excited to think that God thought the bronze from their mirrors worthy enough to be used to make this cleansing basin.

These women were actually mentioned again, but in not so flattering a way. After years of the Israelites using this tabernacle that I mentioned, along with this bronze basin, there was a priest named Eli. Though Eli took his duties as a priest seriously, his sons did not. And in this case, the priesthood was passed down through the family. So, God is talking about how evil Eli's sons are, giving examples of their sins, and--here comes our mention again--he mentions how these sons of Eli have been sleeping with the women who minister at the entrance of the tent of meeting. It sounds sadly familiar. The very women deemed valuable, along with their possessions, to make a piece of furniture for the very place that would house God Himself's presence, have lowered themselves considerably.

Please take a moment to consider the weight of this. The women that God thought special lowered themselves. Those that God saw as valuable thought less of themselves.

I've been there. I've lived out of that mindset, and the lifestyle that ensues is not pretty. Thank God for His rescuing, because now I can say that God's love and redeeming power have no limit! I pray that if you're reading this and you've found yourself in the middle of a lifestyle that you know is not acceptable, you would be open to understanding your true value from the One who made you. And if you've already been delivered, I pray that you'll reach out in love to the ones around you who still need to be free. BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Grabbing Some Firewood

Have you ever gone through a season where you were on FIRE for God?! I mean, you couldn't get enough of His presence or His Word. That's kind of how I've been feeling lately. Well, if you're familiar with this feeling, then you also know what it's like for this feeling to begin to wane.

It's a sad feeling, isn't it? You start to feel guilty as you spend less and less time being intentional about talking to God and studying the Bible. You start to make smaller and smaller efforts, hoping they'll "count" for something. But that's no more effective than a husband showing his wife "attention" to just be able to say that he's done it. I haven't met a wife yet that can't see that from a mile away.

Well, God is not fooled either. He wants our hearts to really burn for Him, not just go through the motions to pretend to. In the ancient tabernacle model that God had the children of Israel make, God Himself lit the fire on the altar at the entrance of this holy place; but He instructed the people to replace the wood daily so that the flame would never go out.

I'm working hard these days to keep this flame going that God Himself has lit in my heart. I'm working to gather the wood that I need everyday to ensure that the fire won't go out. What are some ways I can do this that you recommend? BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Hey guys,

Just a quick note to let you know that I've been working on songwriting lately.  I'm asking for you to pray that God shares a piece of His heart with me in this season and that I hear Him clearly.  I want to make sure that I'm singing what He wants His people to hear.  Thanks for your support.


Rattlesnakes Really Are Better Than Butterflies

So, my youngest brother, Jaylon, came to visit EJ and me for a week, and the Lord had LOTS to show me. One thing that struck me in particular had to do with a souvenir from our zoo trip.

If there is any such thing as an animal connosieur, then Jaylon is it- especially when it comes to reptiles and amphibians. This guy, who is 10 years old, is the most fun kid to take to the zoo, because he educates YOU instead of the other way around. We enjoyed our zoo trip to say the least; and at the end of it, Jaylon decided he wanted a token by which to remember it.

If you know Jaylon (and I'm assuming you don't :-)), then you know that he not only loves reptiles, but he loves art. So, he chose a set of plastic butterflies to be painted from the souvenir shop as his reminder of our fun forever. It came with four colors- red, blue, yellow and green. As soon as we got home (exhausted and limping from the four hour/3.5 mile zoo path), he wanted to paint his butterflies. Well, I had been planning to take him to a pottery painting shop at the Factory (shout out to Third Coast Clay) ever since I discovered it a year before. I didn't want him to have a cheap version of what I knew he would enjoy just days before I had planned for it to happen. But since he didn't know that, he asked me more than ten times a day if he could paint those doggone butterflies.

And then I realized what God was showing me. Sometimes I get so anxious for the things that He's shown me I'm either good at or he has for me, and I want to prematurely force the way that is visible to me. Jaylon didn't trust me yet to take him to do something as cool as paint pottery. He only knew that his butterflies were right in front of him. I had to ask myself if I really trust God to do "cool" things designed especially for me in my life. These days, the Lord is encouraging me to be still and know that He is God. He says that I don't have to be anxious for ANYthing, because He has every good thing for me.

When Jaylon and I walked into the pottery painting shop, his eyes were bigger than I've ever seen them. There was one rattlesnakes left on the shelf just for him to paint. The number and shades of the available colors were many times more than were in his souvenir paint kit. His response once he realized this was why he couldn't paint the butterflies yet-"Man, now I'm salty cuz I was so impatient." Lol.

I don't want to miss or cheapen what God has for me, nor do I want to be "salty" when He shows me how impatient I've been in the wake of my TRUE blessings. What about you guys?

PS. His painted rattlesnake was pretty hot, by the way. That boy has vision!

Unexpected Mission Field

Last month I went to the eighth grade graduation of my former students in the Bronx. I can't tell you how full my heart was. I've really missed those children over the last year, and I was so excited to be able to see them and congratulate them on moving on to high school.

I also saw some of the best teachers and administrators in the world, and I'm grateful to call them my friends. I have missed these people immensely. They're the people who are ministering to children and their families each and every day without so much as an ounce of the accolades that we as musicians in ministry get. I say this not to minimize this current chapter of my life that the Lord has planned, but I must say something about the lifelong dedication of educators, especially the ones I've witnessed in action at Middle School 331 (NYC Public schools not only name their schools, but they number them, too).

I can truly say that teaching middle school was just as important a training ground for ministry in my life as seminary was. Teaching taught me to be consistent, diligent and more patient than I might want to be in stressful situations.

So, anyway, if you think about it in the next couple of days, please send up a prayer for my friends working at MS 331 who are daily loving on the kids that many people have already deemed unworthy of attention and love. Pray that they'll be rejuvenated this summer in a way that will prepare them for more work in the fall. Pray that they'll have sweet moments with their loved ones, and that all they endeavor to do this summer will be easier than normal, to kind of balance out their year. :-)

And please pray for my sweet kids that don't really get a chance to escape some of the scariest horrors of our country because many of those horrors happen on their own block. Pray that they'll be safe, but not only that. Pray that they'll be enlightened to easier times, in order for them to have hope outside of what they've seen and see regularly.

Thanks so much.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

In My 30th Year

If you read my post about my musical catfish, then you know I had a birthday recently (Saturday, May 22nd). My funny father brought something to my attention that I hadn't thought of before. Teasing me, he sent me a text that said, "You're 29 years old, but you're in your 30th year. :-)" Just like that, with a smiley face after it. Lol

I laughed, told him he was a smart-aleck, and moved on with my birthday. Today, though, more about that idea is bugging me. I go through bouts of feeling completely stagnant in this season of pursuing music ministry. I've blogged about it before- how God has instructed me to rest in HIM in these times, but I'd be lying if I said there weren't emotions that still had to be checked.

My father's joke speaks to our culture as humans, I believe. We assess age based on what has already been completed. Our whole system of knowing our age and communicating our age has nothing to do with the process, but everything to do with what has, up to this point, been accomplished.

In my 29th year, the Lord pursued me and renewed our relationship. In my 29th year, the Lord taught my husband and me how to trust Him for provision. In my 29th year, the Lord taught my husband and me how to support one another through unexpected life changes (on the beginner's level, I'm sure). In my 29th year, the Lord showed me how to show myself friendly to others.

In my 30th year, He's teaching me how to trust Him to take care of my loved ones. In my 30th year, He's teaching me how to support a husband bound to be successful.

So much happened in my 29th year, even though I just "turned" 29 not too long ago. But so much is already happening in this 30th year as well.  I want to rest in what God is doing with me while it's happening. I don't want my life to be a series of stacks of completed years with the goal of filing them away. If what they say is true and life really is short, then maybe past years aren't the best way to keep time always.

Daddy, you're right. I'm in my 30th year. And I don't want to miss a thing.

Musical Catfish

I have to tell you that I have the best husband in the world. He's really intentional about me knowing at all times how special I am to him. I know ladies- every woman's dream. :-)

So my birthday was Saturday (May 22nd), and he had all kinds of things planned for me. What I like about his surprises is that they're always based on what I really like; they're not cookie-cutter at all.

So my first surprise was breakfast (belgian waffles and turkey bacon) and then a trip to the Farmer's Market (because I love Farmer's Markets), and the evening was comprised of a dinner and a movie (which I LOVE). The afternoon, though, was the highlight of the day.

All Saturday morning, EJ kept telling me that we were going to get catfish. Now I don't mind catfish, but it's not something we've ever purchased for our home. I actually can't even remember the last time I consumed catfish. But he kept saying we were going to get it at 2pm. The time came to leave our house for our catfish at 2pm. We arrived at some place where he made me close my eyes a block before, and he led me into... Guitar Center. At this point, I'm getting excited. We get to the front counter, and EJ tells me to ask for "catfish." I tell him, no way, but he encourages me a second time to do so. I follow instructions, and the woman says, "sure," enthusiastically and proceeds to call for "catfish" over the intercom.

We were led to the back, and lo and behold... There was a salesman named Catfish who led me through choosing my first acoustic guitar! I've been wanting an acoustic guitar for some time now, and I guess my hubby has been paying attention! I plan to take lessons soon, but for now, free lessons on youtube will have to suffice. I'll keep you updated on my progress! :-D

Isn't my hubby the best EVER?!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A Video Peek: Women of Faith

You probably know by now that I tour with the Women of Faith conference as a member of the worship team.  Well, I thought I'd give you a literal peek (via video) into what we do on those wonderful weekends! 

The conference lasts from Friday morning until late Saturday afternoon.  We do lots of singing, listening to speakers, watching dramas, and just plain partying as only a large group of mainly women can do.  There is one moment in the conference, though, that is one of my favorites.  It's the moment where we, the Women of Faith worship team, sing "Revelation Song." It's one of my favorite worship songs ever, and it's such a privilege to be able to sing it in front of thousands of women who worship along with us.  Below is a link to a portion of the song that was recorded by one of our wonderful speakers, Sheila Walsh.  Enjoy and let me know what you think!

The Curse of the Ham

So, this past weekend, EJ and I were in the Chicago/Milwaukee area multi-tasking.  EJ had to report on the McDonald's Gospel tour, and we made sure we caught up with our family while there.  On the last leg of our trip, we saw my mother, my sister and brother, and my niece.  Just for backstory, my sweet niece has never given me the time of DAY!  She has always been partial to EJ, which is fine.  Most babies choose one of us to love.  But this particular trip, she was a fan of Auntie Janice.  It was such a precious gift to me that it made me think of some prayer time I had had recently. 

A while back, my hubby EJ and I received as a parting gift from our former church home in NYC the English Standard Version Study Bible, published by Crossway Bibles.  Upon giving it to us, our former pastor told us that it was such a good Bible that it was like "seminary in a book."  Having already attended seminary, I almost wanted my thousands of dollars back.  Turns out, though, he was good to endorse this Study Bible, because it really is wonderful!  I'm such a nerd that I love to learn; and I'm such a visual learner, that they had me at the colorful maps.  Well, this particular day, the caption of one of the maps in Genesis caught my attention:  It said, "In general, the descendants of Ham settled in North Africa and the eastern Mediterannean coast" (Table of Nations, ESV Study Bible, Crossway Bibles).

Now if you don't remember (or know) the glimpse of Ham given in Genesis, I'll do my best to refresh your memory (or give a decent introduction).  After the great flood of the earth where God wipes out everyone and every living thing except those on the ark that Noah built (Noah, his family, two of every kind of animal, and the animals to be used as a sacrifice upon disembarkment), Noah becomes a "man of the soil" and plants a vineyard.  He drinks wine (I'm assuming it's from the grapes of his vineyard) and becomes drunk and lays uncovered in his tent.  Ham comes in and sees his father's nakedness (which would be humiliating to a father) and then goes to get his brothers to come and see (and contribute to their father's humiliation).  The other brothers do not participate, but walk backwards holding a garment to cover their father.  Noah wakes up, comprehends what Ham has done and curses Ham's son, Canaan. 

What's interesting is that it wasn't Ham that got punished directly, it was his youngest son.  Maybe Noah wanted Ham to know what it felt like to see his youngest going astray.  Either way, it was Canaan who bore the brunt of Ham's sin, wouldn't you say? 

Having spent a weekend with my beautiful niece, I'm extremely sensitive today about how precious the children in my family are.  It makes me want to be mindful myself and remind my siblings of how mindful they should actually be of those things that we pass on to the children in our lives.  Sometimes our flippant actions don't affect us directly, but they affect the children that God has entrusted us with.  If you've ever loved a child, you know that you want to do everything you can to protect them from all that is harmful.  Sometimes that means getting oneself together first.  Makes me scared to have children... what about you?

Hour of Power Video

So, after our Women of Faith conference in Las Vegas, Nevada, the four of us ladies on the West Coast worship team were privileged enough to sing on the Hour of Power at the Crystal Cathedral.  I don't think I've EVER been to a more beautiful edifice!  (Too churchy with the use of "edifice?"  I thought so....)

Anwho, it was a wonderful experience.  The four of us (myself, Allison Abbott, Laura Cooksey and Jenifer Thigpen) get along so well, that an extra day of "work" was more than pleasant.  We got to the church early Sunday morning, and they had wonderful food laid out for us, a sweet make-up artist to get us ready for television, and the sweetest couple, Fred and Wilma, to keep us company backstage.  Seriously, they're an older married couple named Fred and Wilma.  ;-)

We sang at both services, but the one you'll see was recorded at the second service when they had opened their large floor to ceiling window.  It was just so beautiful!  Almost like being outside.  Oh, and you guys will get to kinda meet the other ladies on the team on the video.  All you have to do is click on the link below.  When the page has loaded, you'll see a larger video window with four pictures below.  Click on the picture with four ladies (including me) and the video segment with the Women of Faith worship team should fill the larger video section.  (As you move your cursor over that picture, it should actually say, "Women of Faith Worship Team).  I hope you like it!  Let me know!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Fishin' in a Crawdad Hole

Anybody know what a crawdad is?!  I didn't... until last week.

When I was in the sixth grade, I was chosen to be a part of this music program called All-City that featured musically-gifted children around the middle school age.  It was the beginning of me really enjoying being on stage while singing and dancing.  This particular show, we sang a song with lyrics that went like this: "You get a line and I'll get a pole, honey.  You get a line and I'll get a pole, Babe.  You get a line and I'll get a pole; We'll go fishin' in a crawdad hole, Honey, Baby mine."  Don't judge us.  It was the South.

Silly, right?  As a eleven-year old (going on twelve), I had no CLUE what that song was talking about.  And what the heck is a crawdad?!

Cut to a week ago when I was privileged enough to sub for the soprano in Mandisa's band.  You remember Mandisa as a finalist on American Idol.  She is sooooo sweet, and she really loves the Lord.  If you haven't checked out her music already, please do so!

Anyway, so we were in Monroe, Louisiana, for a wonderful city-wide reconciliation service.  The sets went great, the people were wonderful, and we (Mandisa and us background singers) were backstage getting ready to get back on the road.  As I was going to the bus for a moment to get the rest of my things, I ran into our road manager who was talking to a local police officer.  The officer asked me randomly if I'd ever had crawfish, to which I answered absolutely not, and thirty minutes later, Officer Smith had a big box full of freshly boiled crawfish, complete with corn and potatoes.  He proceeded to teach us how to eat them, but there was no way to know how influential those crawfish would become for our trip to Monroe....

Monday, May 10, 2010

Fairytales and Nightmares

I'm a part of a Bible study with some wonderful women in my area that are all involved in ministry some kind of way.  We're using Beth Moore's "A Woman's Heart" as our guide.  It's been SUCH a blessing so far!  Considering the fact that growing up I had one friend-- my older brother, Jon-- and the fact that I was more than ok with that (he really is the best big brother anyone could ask for), this Bible study group is the Lord showing me His love in a new and refreshing way-- through a bunch of women!

So, catching up on some overdue homework for our next meeting, I came across a paragraph where Beth Moore is describing the condition of one's heart without fellowship with God.  She quotes Jeremiah 17:9 that says, "the heart is more deceitful than anything else" (HCSB).  She goes on to say that the phrase, " ...'Follow your heart' is the stuff of fairy tales and the stuff of many a nightmare." 

Immediately I thought of an episode of Oprah that I watched not too long ago.  It was the show where Oprah was interviewing Rielle Hunter, the alleged mistress of John Edwards.  Now, I really don't care to start bashing these two and others involved in this saga that has so saturated the media over the last several years.  Instead, I want to focus on something Ms. Hunter said in her interview.  After Ms. Hunter admitted to committing adultery, Oprah asked her if she thought she was wrong for any of the things she had done (paraphrased).  Ms. Hunter replied, "No, because I followed my heart."

Now, you can think what you want to think about Rielle Hunter, but I do believe that she believes every word she spoke in that interview.  As Christians, we know that adultery is wrong no matter what anyone felt.  But how different are we from Rielle Hunter?  Often times those of us "in the Church" respond to something we know we've done that was wrong by saying or thinking flippantly, "God knows my heart."  Well... yeah, He knows its potential to be deceitful.  So, where does that leave us?  Definitely in no better predicament than Ms. Hunter who has been heavily judged for her actions and opinions.

If following one's heart is something of fairytales and nightmares, then that's not really something I want to do.  For one, fairytales aren't real and two, nightmares are scary.  I want to follow the heart of the One whose will is perfect and give my heart to Him in the process.  I'm starting by asking the Lord (like King David) to create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me.  Anybody with me on this uphill journey?

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sometimes 2 + 2 does equal 5

Some of you who know me well know that I taught seventh grade math in the Bronx, NY, before EJ and I moved to Nashville to pursue music ministry.  (Two words: Lovely Challenge.  We can talk more later if you're interested....)  If you're afraid because of that knowledge, though, let me assure you that this post will NOT be about how two plus two could equal five mathematically.  LOL

Instead, it's about the mathematics of the Kingdom of God.  I told you that on this blog, I would share my music ministry journey with you, and this happens to be a big part of it.  Now if you know me at all, this particular new character trait of mine I'm about to share will absolutely shock you:  I am a task-oriented planner when it comes to my artistry.  I know, I know, those of you who have known me academically know that before this endeavor, I rarely planned anything.  But God said He'll do a NEW thing!...

Anywho, when EJ and I first moved to the Nashville area, I was anxious to get started.  I thought, if I don't take charge of my own artistry, then who will?  I knew that people starting their own business made a business plan.  So, I made a business concept for my artistry.  I did some research and got started on my plan.  On that document, I listed lots of things, including my short-term and long-term goals for the next several years.  After completing that self-imposed task, I was twiddling my fingers, anxiously seeking a new task.  And then I heard the whisper....

You know how sometimes you just feel/hear God calling you to spend a little extra time with Him?  Almost like He has something to interject into your life at that very moment.  That's what I felt.  So, after spending time in prayer, I believed the Lord was instructing me to make my only task spending time with Him.  *blank stare*  What the heck?!  How in the world was I supposed to get songs recorded, get booked, get people in Nashville to hear me sing, etc, while ONLY focusing on spending time with Him?!  I mean, I would've understood instructions to spend time with Him while completing some very important tasks, but just focusing on time with Him seemed irresponsible. 

Fast forward to about eight months later, all of my short-term goals/dreams have become reality.  God single-handedly opened every door of opportunity for me Himself.  He led me in directions that I never would've led myself.  He has woven this beautiful tapestry of ministry for me that no man could have ever attempted.  Somehow as I was spending time with Him, He was molding my character and letting my shining moments show at just the right times in front of just the right people.  God's math doesn't add up to anything we are expecting when we let Him do it His way.  He goes above and beyond!  I'm grateful that He helped me to hear His whisper.  It has truly made all the difference.

When has God showed up in a "2 fish and 5 loaves of bread" way in your life?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas... hopefully!

If you weren't aware, I travel with the Women of Faith Conference (Imagine tour) as a member of the worship team.  And I must tell you that I LOVE my job!  I have so much fun with all of the women on weekends when the conference is held, whether it be the speakers on the "Porch" or the women that come to the arenas to be blessed by what has been planned for them. 

This past weekend, we were in Las Vegas.  I'm sure you're thinking, really?  Women of Faith went to Las Vegas?!  We absolutely did, and it was wonderful!  The women there were so receptive of what we had to give from every moment of worship to the deepest moments of an emotionally heavy drama.  These women were all-in! 

During the very first worship set of the weekend on Friday morning, I noticed an African-American woman with a red top in the aisle freely dancing to every song we sang!  She was magnificent!  I know the Lord used her to boost my energy just by seeing her freedom in the Lord.  I thought to myself, that much freedom stems from great desperation somewhere along the way.  It was beautiful.

Our dramatist Nicole Johnson said something special:  She said that the city of Las Vegas is known as Sin City, but where sin is, God's grace abounds that much more.  I love that.

By the time the Women of Faith team left Las Vegas, those women looked as though they had been changed, refreshed and renewed.  I'm grateful that the Lord really used every person on this team to deposit something in that city, and those people in it, that will sustain them until His next refreshing.  That's something that happened in Vegas that I really wouldn't mind staying in Vegas!

Aside: And Natalie Grant and Mandisa brought some FLAWLESS vocals in their concerts!  Those ladies can SANG!!!  lol

Thursday, April 22, 2010

My Sword AND my Shield

I'm sitting here in the airport about to take out my Bible and do some reading, and I'm reminded of my days in New York City and what my Bible meant to me there.

If you know me at all, you know that I'm a pretty sassy short person. (Most short people are a little sassy, I guess.) I also speak very directly and sternly when I'm trying to get a point across. It's a part of my personality that God continues to fine-tune in order to use it for His glory. It should look more and more like Holy-Ghost boldness than harshness. ;-)

Anyway, when the Lord had me move to NYC after seminary, it was quite a culture shock for me. I had come from this wonderful Jesus-loving bubble, where everyone pretty much had similar goals in life-all having to do with loving Jesus. Well, anyone who has stepped foot in NYC knows that I was in for a rude awakening socially.

As one with a tendency to self-protect, the Lord really worked on my tolerance, as I was rudely pushed on my commute everyday to a hard job with children who generally had more to complain about than me. At some point, the Lord showed me that if I was going to get upset with people for how they were treating me, I would be upset everyday of my life. Put in that context, I learned how most New Yorkers just let many things go.

Around the same time, I realized that I needed to be reading the Word of God a lot more regularly than I had been. So, I started multi-tasking and doing some Bible reading on the trains to work. Strangely enough, people started giving me a little more space. And if they were making crazy eyes at me or getting an attitude, I wasn't noticing, because my face was in the Word.

That day, the Lord showed me how His Word could be used as my sword AND shield in a hard place. Even though I'm in a logistically easier life, I still carry my Bible around, reminiscing on the days when it saved my life one day at a time.

I'm just curious: What are the tangible swords and shields the Lord has given you in life?
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Monday, April 19, 2010

One down, thirteen to go...

As of Saturday (April 10th) evening at 5pm, I completed my first Women of Faith conference!  I am so exhausted, but so excited!  It was aMAzing!

I got to Billings, Montana, on Tuesday, April 6th around 11am.  I was there before the rest of my team, because the only other flight arrangement got me in at 10pm.  EJ and I thought that might be cutting it a little close, since I had to be ready to rehearse the next morning.  I spent all of Tuesday pretty much by myself in my hotel room, preparing for what lay ahead.

Wednesday morning, my team was united, and we rehearsed until the evening, taking breaks only for meals.  We had dinner with some Women of Faith folk, and we crashed for the night.

Thursday was all about rehearsal on the beautiful stage that the crew built.  When I tell you that the Imagine stage is SO beautiful....  Wow! 

The conference started on Friday morning and went until Saturday late afternoon.  I had a BALL!!!  It was such a blessing to be a part, and the women in Billings were so sweet and receptive.  Shout out to the rest of my team, Allison Abbott, Laura Cooksey and Jenifer Thigpen.  I had such a good time singing and laughing with these ladies; and I can't wait to do it for the rest of the year!

If you haven't already done so, please plan to join us at a Women of Faith conference near you.  It really is a blessing to ALL involved.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Where did I store my afro?!...

Today my schedule was a little off, and I found myself eating breakfast late and in front of the tv around 10am.  I rarely watch tv before the afternoon, but I decided to turn to the popular daytime show, The View.  At first they talked about what happened last night on Dancing with the Stars, but they soon moved on to a political debate regarding healthcare, of course. 

I've actually never really been a fan of Elizabeth Hasselbeck's opinions, and I stopped watching The View years ago because of how frustrated her opinions and their passionate delivery made me.  Somehow, I stumbled back into the trap.... 

Gradually, I found myself becoming more and more frustrated with the conversation, and I could feel an old part of my heart trying to creep in.  In college, I was pretty outspoken about my political opinions, and my mentor used to call me a baby Angela Davis because of how passionately angry I got about certain topics.  In the middle of watching the view, I felt my heart figuratively saying, "where did I store that afro," through clenched teeth, and I knew it was time to let tv go for a moment. 

One of the things Jesus had to teach me around that time in college was that my loyalty must always lie with Him and His heart.  Meaning, I can never allow my lifestyle or actions to show more loyalty to a race, political party, or political agenda, than I do to the interests of Christ.  Now, with that, I know He wants me to stand up for justice, but He's teaching me that balance.  And it doesn't really include telling someone off just to get frustration off of my chest. 

So, for now, wisdom and prudence say that I probably don't need to watch things like The View that would entangle me in a debate with my television that won't effect any change.  There's actually real work to be done for the Kingdom.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Rhymes with "Flower of Dabble"

It feels like every time I read the news, there's something outrageous going on that everyone else is acting like is normal.

So, I was on and they were talking about the Big Bang machine setting a record for smashing atoms at "three times more force than before."  Sound dangerous, much? (According to your own theory, the last time that happened....) Then, there was some talk about us (Americans) trying to blow up the moon to see if there was frozen water in the craters.  Who's bright idea was that?  {looking around the room at the scientists with my best teacher glare} 

I'm just sayin'.  Sounds a lot like us constructing our own contemporary version of the Tower of Babel to me.  And what's worse is, when the Lord punished mankind back in the day for trying to reach Heaven via the Tower, His punishment affected all of the human race.   I was always the kid who didn't want to get in trouble for some other kid's junk.  Can y'all stop playing before you get us all in trouble, please?!

What a difference a year makes

Today it's official.  My dear hubby has passed his cold on to me.  Marriage is about becoming one, right?  I was sitting here annoyed by my nasal drip thinking about how different my life has become.

Last year this time, I was teaching math to seventh graders in the Bronx.  I didn't care as much if I got sick.  I would take time off if I absolutely needed to, but other than that, I would just traipse to school/work with an extra cup of tea or lozenges.  This year, though, being sick must be kept to a minimum.  Women of Faith isn't paying me to be raspy with a limp disposition.  I have to be ready to sing at my first Women of Faith conference next weekend (including the rehearsals the days before).  The only time I had to sing last year was on "Fun Fridays" (a special singing/dancing afternoon I planned for my students-- if they behaved all week) or informally on Sunday mornings at our church.

So, here's to lots of tea, less dairy, more fruits and veggies and lots of Airborne!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

I love my job...

Last week, I rehearsed with the rest of my team for the Women of Faith tour (Imagine tour).  It was tough, but it was SO much fun!  We sang until we were hoarse and moved until we were sweating.  I still can't get over the fact that I get to do this for a living now.  I mean, I literally put in hours of hard work, but doing something I kinda can't get enough of doing!

The Women of Faith organization is always incredibly prepared, but somehow, they still manage to keep God first in all they do.  I really am honored to be a part.  If you get a chance, make sure you attend one of the conferences on the east or west coast.  Either one will be AMAZING!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Never Saul, Always David

How come we as Christians never see ourselves in the stories of the Bible as the villain?  I mean, we can always relate to David, Solomon (in his wise days), Paul, and even Peter on his better side of believing.  Somehow, we rarely think of ourselves as the tormented Saul, chasing David because he was jealous of his anointing.  We don't see ourselves as the hardened-hearted-Pharaoh, leading his army to pursue God's people, attempting to enslave them.  And I don't know why, but we certainly don't see ourselves as Pharisees, cursing Jesus for breaking our tradition that we've interpreted as the Law.

If these characters existed back then, and there's "nothing new under the sun," then don't they have to exist in some form now?

I don't know.  Just a thought....

And My God Will Supply...

You might know the rest of this Scripture passage.  If not, it goes, "and my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. (English Standard Version)"  This is what Paul, the great apostle and missionary, said in his letter to the Phillipians. 

I've heard this passage quoted so many times, but reading now in my study time, I realize that I've heard it in the incorrect context probably every single time.

Aside: So, I'm not really one to memorize actual passages of Scripture.  I'm the kind of learner who learns by concept.  When I was in college at Oberlin, I majored in Economics.  Now, the econ department offered the major requirement Macroeconomics in two different ways: the very math way of learning things (via Calculus) and the very conceptual way of learning things.  I have to admit, I took the math way first, thinking, I'm pretty good in math, only to have a tragic semester resulting in failing that class. :-(  But I retook it, this time in the class that focused on the concepts.  I did pretty well and had a great time doing it.  (My professor, Professor Robert Piron, was amazing!)  Shout out!

Anyway, I say all that to say... I never understood this verse until I studied it myself and understood the concept behind it.  And now I realize many people don't understand it!

As a missionary, Paul often relied on the churches he started to help support the ministry going forward.  Well, in the letter to the Phillipians, Paul is thanking them for their tangible support and expressing how much God also appreciates their support of his ministry.  And right after that comes, "and my God will supply every need of yours [emphasis mine] according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus."  It seems to imply that God will take care of them just like they have been taking care of Paul. 

So, how are we tangibly supporting the Kingdom of God?  And are we expecting to be taken care of in the most elaborate ways without even considering sacrificing our own resources for the sake of the message of Christ?  I know I have some supporting to do....

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The saints told me to "be ye always ready...."

Has anyone else ever used this statement in a joke?

So, Gospel Heritage Praise and Worship Conference 2010.  My hubby, E.J. Gaines (also known as the Gospel Pundit) was set to speak on a couple of panels at this conference last week.  I was going to support him and be a good wifey, right?

We get to the conference, and he speaks on a panel.  He was WONDERFUL!  I mean, he did his thing.  Before the next panel discussion, though, we (along with the other panelists) were ushered into a private room to eat lunch.  It was a pretty large room with several smaller rooms off of it.  After about 15 minutes, a booming voice and very tall figure comes out of one of the smaller rooms labeled "Interview Room."  It's Donnie McClurkin. 

Now, I had met Donnie McClurkin before, and he was very nice with encouraging words for my journey.  I went over just to say hello, and within 30 seconds, he had invited me to lead Praise and Worship with him.

I was more nervous than I can explain with this keyboard.   I led part of worship that night, and learned that I really have to be ready for anything at anytime in this journey!  It went well, could've gone better (I'm my worst critic), but I was so grateful for the opportunity.  The statement I have ALWAYS used jokingly kinda became a lesson for me last week.  Figures.  God usually does me this way. lol

Monday, February 15, 2010

Hey Everyone!

Welcome to my blog!  I'll be blogging periodically about this journey the Lord has me on called music ministry.  I heard the call almost two years ago, and it's been an amazing faith-walk already.  I went from deciding to be a religion professor who sings at her local church to pursuing music ministry full time, and God has definitely been faithful in my obedience.

As of recently, I'm a member of the Women of Faith Worship Team, and I'll be traveling with the Imagine tour this year (2010).  I'm uber-excited and grateful to God for the opportunity.  And when I tell you that the Women of Faith organization has all their ducks in a row... I mean!  They keep it together!

Outside of Women of Faith, I am working to sing as much as possible and in as many places as possible.  So, I'll be keeping you updated on the interesting aspects of this journey.

I'll be checking back to read comments, so make sure you leave some!  Enjoy....